When you are the victim of sexual harassment at work, the conduct does not always end in the workplace.  In extreme situations, the harasser will call you on your cell phone, send emails, contact you through social media such as Facebook, and even sometime show up at your house.

The problem in protecting yourself is that you may not be able to get a restraining order against the harasser.  Victims can only get a restraining order against current or former family members, or from someone with whom they had a substantial dating relationship.

When any of this happens in Massachusetts, there are mechanisms under the law to protect you with police power should the sexual harassment not stop immediately.   Before, you could not always get a restraining order, because the conduct was not considered abuse.  However, now, you can seek what is called a Harassment Prevention Order under M.G.L c. 258(E).

In order to obtain such an order, you simply need to demonstrate that there have been at least 3 instances of intentional misconduct aimed at you or an act that by force, threat or duress causes you to involuntarily engage in sexual relations.

For more information on obtaining either a harassment prevention order or restraining order, you can speak to your local police agency or contact a sexual harassment lawyer who can help you draft an application and represent you at a district court hearing.

For more information or to schedule a free legal consultation contact us today at 781 595 3800 or fill in the form below:

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